Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I've been feeling better, so I've been telling people, "Claudia is back in the building", a play off my favorite singer, Elvis, leaving the building. It always feels sooooooooooo good to feel good again!!! Depression is the ROYAL pits. I wouldn't give it to my worst enemy or a dog! Hopefully I'll grow out of it someday! So what is going on in the lives of my blogger buddies??? What happened to you on this February day in 2010. I'm wanting to get connected again on the blog, so write me back. Thanks, Claudia

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sunday Night

Well, my baby grandson, Jeffrey Alan Terrell was born last Thursday, Feb. 11, 2010, the day before his daddy's birthday! He weighed 7 lbs., 14 ozs. and was 21 inches long. His eyes are dark. He has been scowling a lot, not sure what's up with that, because he is so precious!!! Keri is nursing & that has gone well and so far he is on a 3 hour schedule. Grammie Gay is staying with the new family this week because next Tuesday, Royce's mother is having surgery to remove ovaries & possibly lymph glands because of her ovarian cancer. Friday Royce will have surgery on his kidney stones. He underwent gallbladder surgery a few weeks ago, which went well. But these kidney stones or the stynt they put in last Friday is really dealing him heck. When I remember how to put pics on my blog I will send them of my precious baby grandson. I PLAN on being called Cee Cee & Royce either Poppy or Pappy. I've been told the grandkids pick the name & that will be alright also.