I tried to change my background the other day. The floral on the side IS NOT the "Green Thumb" background, which wound up on my sidebar! Ah, me! Keep working on it. It RAINED & RAINED last night. I SO love the rain. I woke, as many did, around 3:30 to the thunder. Unfortunately, I didn't go back to sleep! & am drowsing off this morning, despite the 2 large cups of hot chocolate I've drank!!! I asked for & RECEIVED 2 snowball bushes, 2 large water soakers & 4 little ones, and a bottle of bubbles for Mother's Day!!! I'm REALLY going to love & talk to the snowball bushes & they are going to flourish! The black thumb IS NOT going to prevail over them!!!! What did you guys ask for & what did you get for Mommy's Day???