Saturday, May 16, 2009

Saturday's Sadness

Well, this has been quite a day. Royce & I finished a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle. He rarely does that - but, he really got hooked on this one of 2 parakeets. Jigsaw puzzles are like TAKS tests, exit tests & pace tests - you have to learn "how" to take the test. With puzzles, you have to learn the jig and the jag of the puzzle! All puzzles are cut differently. This one was impossible, almost, or I'm getting bad sighted!! But, we hang in there TENACIOUSLY and finished, which brings me to the title of my blog - Saturday's Sadness. It's been a good day, but I'm sad that after 2 hours on the internet, I have not been able to post my new playlist or my new header, and I have managed to delete my old playlist. However, right now I am listening to my new playlist, but it's like the header & playlist, I can find them, I just can't put them where I want them!!! I called Robyn Smith this morning to help me get my header posted, and she helped me get it to my Apple, but for some reason it just keeps loading & never stops loading - (I left it for 30 minutes to load, nope-it never did!) The good thing is, like putting the puzzle together, I am tenacious enough NOT to give up. I'll take my Apple to Dumas tomorrow & see if Keri or Kristen can help me out.
Also, today I attended Debra Fin's 50th birthday celebration & Wheeler's Jr/Sr banquet. The food was DELICIOUS!!, catered by Alexander's from Canadian! KJ was a server was the main reason I went. I do usually go up before & watch the entrance of the kids. There was a black jag, 3 black stangs, a limo, a classic, and a PRETTY new John Deere tractor, the fire truck. The theme was Las Vegas. Well, I believe I am going to put my tenacity on hold since I'm not getting anywhere and go to bed. Maybe I'll figure out where my playlist is coming from when I close down my computer. We are going to Dumas tomorrow for Royce's mom's birthday & Mother's day. Toodles from C