Friday, October 23, 2009


Yes, Thank Goodness It's Friday. We've had sickness at school and my students have been out, and I've done all kinds of catching up with them gone, but I'm nearly stare crazy & definitely ready for them to be well, and be back at school!!! Baby Jeffrey is due on Feb. 16, so my baby ticker is a little early. I fixed it when we thought he was due in January, and I don't know where to go to change it. I've forgotten anything I learned making this blog! Kaylee runs district cross country this Monday & then we scrimmage Booker on Saturday, a week. She will be sooo ready for basketball season! Kristen is dating a sweet guy from Canadian. Royce is working, working! My oldest brother, Charles, got out of the nursing rehab, so pray for him to be able to take care of himself at his house!! He really needs to be able to enjoy himself. He's always taken care of everyone else. Well, I'm signing off of the blog. Let me hear from the rest of you bloggers! It's been quite a while. Claudia