Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What have learned from another woman this week? (or ever)

Titus 2 Tuesday is a post about a woman I admire and have learned from. My FIRST Titus 2 Tuesday is about my own sweet, mommy who has been in heaven "rocking all the babies" since 1991! Mother was a saint in my eyes. She raised 6 of us, ranging in age from 22 to birth, having had Joy when she was 41 years young. (I followed in her footsteps with my #3 daughter, KJ, having her when I was 41!) She raised the 6 of us basically on her own as a single mom! How she was able to do alone, what Royce & I have trouble doing together, with 1/2 as many children and NO boys, is more than I can comprehend, except that she followed what she taught to me & my siblings: keep God 1st. Mom taught me to tithe my earnings. Mom taught me how to smile, even in the worst of situations. Mom taught me manners. Mom taught me TOUGH love, as well as HOW to be tough! Mom taught me to laugh. Mom taught me to love, especially the unlovable. Mom took me to church, no matter what, and I learned to enjoy it & the blessings my God and Jesus pours out to me! Mom taught me independence, even though she managed to give me all of my heart's desire on a shoestring budget! She showed me unconditional love and how to give unconditionally. I remember more of Mother leading by example than actually telling me the words. Mom was ALWAYS there for me! I talk to her since she's been in Heaven, so that I feel she is still around to guide me, and know she will be one of the first ones I see when I get to heaven. She'll scoot right over and share a rocking chair for me to "rock the babies" in Heaven. Mother having taught me about Christiandom??, (word???) and about Heaven, I do not fear anything on earth because I know I have an eternal home with God, Jesus and all the Saints when I die. Mother also taught me bravery! She battled lung cancer for the last 14 months of her life, and NEVER was anything but positive about recovering from the "monster". She had me totally buffaloed, and I took her to Hospice to get better, not understanding about the world of cancer, because it was my very first bout with the deadly disease! Once her brain was allowed to rest from morphine, her body FINALLY gave in & she died one of the bravest, dignified deaths I have ever witnessed: brave and dignified like she lived her life. Yes, my mother was a Godly, Titus 2 Woman, whom I loved and admired DEARLY! Momma is where I got my silver, gray hair. I always said if my hair could be as beautiful as hers, I would gladly wear it as a crowning glory, & I constantly encourage EVERYONE else, especially Becky Hardcastle, to "go GREY"!!!! Mother, I LOVE YOU DEARLY, and appreciate all the MANY lessons you showed and taught me. Love, your daughter, Claudia


Amanda Kirkpatrick said...

what a beautiful post!! so glad you joined...

lindsey said...

Wow, what a moving post. Makes me want to say some nice things about my mama. Wonderful & Powerful, Momma Marion. Brought a tear to my eye. Love you.

Living Passionately Means: said...

wow momma, good post you made me cry. Granny Angel sure was and is Wonderful. She lives on through you. As I was reading through your post through the whole thing I was thinking my mom does that too, so that's where she got that from, One Day I believe I'll have my Crown of Glory as well since I'm already starting on it so young and BSA is only adding to it daily. You are so beautiful momma and you have taught me to be independent and you were there for me when God decided I needed to be broken of that. You taught me my faith where I am not scared of dying and in fact would die for my faith if it came down to it. You taught me to enjoy church and to tithe. You showed me how to love and laugh through the pain to see the good in everyone. and I quote "Now say something nice" ;-D oh how that use to get on my nerves so bad and now I catch myself saying it on a regular basis. To love and give unconditionally even when it doesn't feel very convenient. I've seen you battle it out with your own lil 'monster' and yes even though it did look like he almost won at one time you were too courageous to let go too brave you came back to us showing us you would not be defeated by it by Satan. You are a powerful and wonderful woman of God when people say look at the woman of faith in your life it doesn't take me long to think of my own dear sweet mom! And the woman who raised her up to be that. The same woman who would let me eat orange juice concentrate and have a fashion show for all my barbies! ;) So many great women in my lineage! I love You Mrs Claudia RHINE Marion so so so much. you are a beautiful titus 2 woman.

Charla (SHar-la) said...

Thanks for the comment and the compliment on my blog! I agree with your wonderful advice!

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