Thursday, July 16, 2009

Thirsty Thursday

Thirsty Thursday came about in May when I went down to pick up one of my students, Guili, from the track at Little Colt Relays! It was hot that day & hot again today!!! We need rain. I lovre rain because it makes ALL the grass green, not just where I water my grass or flowers. I've been having a heck of a time, too, with the new pup, Gizzer! He finally got in BAD trouble when he chewed the new 100 foot hose!!!!!!!!!!!!! YRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHG! He makes me mad!!! Fortunately, it was only 10 or 15 feet from one end! He has chew bones. THen he gets on the flowers where I've watered! I know he's hot, but if he wants to keep his home around MOM Marion, he better leave my flowerbeds & hoses ALONE!!! He chewed one of my sunflowers the other day. IF HE ONLY UNDERSTOOD HOW HARD it is for me to get something GROWING!!!! Any suggestions from pet trainers?????