Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Another Late Night

Posting again late at night, cas I don't get to the computer until about 9pm. Check the email, play a few games & then start trying to learn something new in the blogging world. For a slowpoke like me, that takes a few hours. Thus the late hour. I keep posting in hopes I'll garner some comments from the outside world. I feel so alone!!!! Speak to me, bloggers, plz! Claudia


Charla (SHar-la) said...

You are NOT alone! I bet you have many lurkers who just aren't commenting! One way to generate comments and readers is to go to others' blogs and comment and maybe even have a little giveaway, nothing big, just something fun or a favorite book you've read or something. So, you go to others' blogs, leave a comment directing them back to yours for a fun giveaway, and then they're hooked! Also, post things that ask questions and say, "now what do you think?" That'll get 'em every time! LOL! You're doing great! Have you tried building a header with my directions? If you need them again, let me know and I'll be glad to send 'em to you again! And just so you know, it took me a couple of years to generate the traffic I get on my blog now, so be hopeful! :)

lindsey said...

Hey Momma Marion! I always try to comment, so you know I am stalking you! I know you do the same for me. Hope to see you this weekend, while I am there. May need carried home, as my feet are already so swollen! It will be interesting to see just how big they get tomorrow after being on them all afternoon/evening! Wow. Love you!

Anonymous said...

I found you! You kind of forgot to mention your cruise! How in the world did you talk Royce into that?! Hope you had a marvelous time. Can't think of anyone who deserve it more.